潮州光锵 (Guang Chiang)

Описание к видео 潮州光锵 (Guang Chiang)

光锵是一种在北马一带常见的潮州传统糕点, 也是潮州人在过年过节食用的年食。这糕点主要的馅料是白萝卜,沙葛,芋头,粘米粉和木薯粉。潮州人习惯在年初一吃斋,所以这糕点不含肉类。经过油煎芋头香味,加上香脆腐皮和花生,肯定会把你带到那些年的幸福。
Guang Chiang is a northern Malaysian Teochew dish. The main ingredients are radish, jícama, taro yam, blended rice flour and tapioca flour. Teochew people has a practice of vegetarianism on the first day of the Lunar New Year, thus this dish does not contain any meat. With a combination of the aromatic fried taro yam, fragrant deep fried bean curd skin and groundnuts, this dish is sure to bring back nostalgic memories of yesteryears.

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