Shape Reality to Your Will

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Binaural alpha frequency.

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Recommended implementation: Listen to these affirmations every day for at least 30 days. As with every form of training, repetition and consistency are most important to create and maintain results.


I am commander of my reality.
I am master of my fate.
I am king of my mental palace.
I am the force that shapes my world.
I am the ruler of my realm.
I take the initiative, I am proactive.
I make excellent things happen.
I make beautiful victorious things happen.
I am a positive active force, creating excellence.
I am decisive victory, I am definitive triumph.
I am improving in every excellence.
I am making outstanding glorious things happen.
I am commander of my reality.
I am master of my fate.
I am king of my mental palace.
I create wealth, excellence, and tremendous success.
I take the reins of my universe, and create total victory, outstanding victory.
I am winning big. I am achieving the pinnacle of greatness.
I am providing the zenith of triumph, for myself and all those around me.
I am providing a symphony of success for myself, and my family.
I am a beacon of brilliance.
I am a conqueror of universal excellence.
I am a champion of universal excellence.
I am shaping reality to my will.
I am shaping my reality into the crest of glory.
Pinnacle peak performance is my excellence embodied.
I am commander of my reality.
I am master of my fate.
I am king of my mental palace.
I am flourishing excellence.
I am superabundant with supreme success.
I am ascendant, rocketing upward.
I create blazing victories.
My world is exponentially increasing wealth, health, happiness.
Health, wealth, and extreme success are mine.
I am exponentially increasing with supreme wealth, health, strength, happiness: I am total victory.
My life is total victory.
I am totally victorious.
I am the architect of empires.
I am the ruler of my reality, fueled by divine power.
I embody power I command success.
I lead with strength.
I lead with great strength.
I am commander of my reality.
I am master of my fate.
I am king of my mental palace.
I am continually exceeding to higher levels of success.
I've got it all.
I have the perfect life.
I walk a path of golden victory.
Success upon success. Victory after victory.
I win for the love of victory.
I win because winning is who I am.
I am a champion every day.
I deserve success. I deserve all the best things of life.
All the best things of life are mine.
I excel, I claim victory.
By the power of Word, I command my Total Victory.
I am the big winner, winning big, I command it.
I am worthiest of all.
I am commander of my reality.
I am master of my fate.
I am king of my mental palace.
I am rising, I am perpetually rising into greater and greater greatness.
I sculpt myself, I make myself even better, stronger, more beautiful, more noble, more excellent.
I am the master and commander, steering my ship to solar horizons, of golden gleaming glory.
I was bred for more.
I am continually achieving more.
I am continually winning more.
I continually win big.
I am continually winning even bigger.
I make my life a supreme success.
I make my life extreme excellence.
I make my life a masterpiece.


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