Five of Swords in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Five of Swords in 3 Minutes

Five of Swords Upright: Failure. Losing a battle or fight. Defeat. A no-win situation. People turning their backs to you. Being abandoned or let down by people or organizations which you thought had your back. You just might have screwed up. A deep sense of turbulence and internal and external storms.
Five of Swords Best Course of Action: Accept defeat. Stop fighting or choose not to fight as you will likely lose. Walk away. Gather what remains and depart. You’ve lost but you are still standing!
Five of Swords Reversed: Beginning to understand why you lost. Starting to move on OR an unwillingness to accept that something has ended. Continuing to advocate for an idea or argument which has been proven untenable. Futilely chasing after a past love or broken relationship.
Five of Swords Reversed Best Course: Depart the field. If needed, look at the reasons why you lost in a clinical manner so you intellectually understand what happened. Accept defeat. Stop fighting. You may need to turn your back on others or walk away from a long held idea.


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