Throat activation | Venusian light language | Quan yin energy channelling 741hz & 417hz sounds

Описание к видео Throat activation | Venusian light language | Quan yin energy channelling 741hz & 417hz sounds

Welcome to my channel! This transmission was recorded on Zoom with a very special student who I asked to join for this energy channelling. I thought it was going to be a beautiful loving heart meditation, and it turned out to be a deep clearing of the throat for any experiences of persecution for speaking your truth and light in this realm / others. Focusing on the energies of Venus and Venusians and Quan Yin and her incredibly loving and compassionate presence.

Purchase Activation Here:

If you've felt persecuted and feel it's time to step into the light and feel free to speak and make your unique sound to the world, use this transmission to clear whatever permits you and go forth to be free as god intended!

🧿 Schedule an Energy/Sound Healing with Katie here:

Drop a comment if you have any questions.. or email [email protected] for more information
🧿 Listen to full sound healing tracks:
🧿 Listen to Piano Jane here:
🧿 Learn tuning forks here:
🧿 To purchase tuning forks:
🧿 Learn Multidimensional Energy Healing with Katie here:
🧿 Learn Crystal Bowls here:
🧿 Become a Vibroacoustic Therapy practitioner:

About Katherine:

Katherine is a multidimensional energy channel, sound therapist, composer & teacher. She is the owner & founder of VibroSound Healing, a company which hand-makes vibroacoustic sound therapy technology devices & hand-tunes tuning forks. She also runs Encoded Frequencies, a space for multidimensional energy clearings, galactic/multidimensional readings and channellings with a range of interdimensional beings.

Katherine's first love is everything to do with sound, energy healing, frequency medicine and composing music. She composes piano tracks under the name Piano Jane on Spotify. She also composes full sound healing tracks for listening & vibroacoustic therapy on her website.

Let me know if you’re interested in having support through energy, meditations, sound frequencies and light language to support you on your ascension journey xx 😚in

#lightlanguage #soundhealing #christconsciousness #faeryrealm #auricfield #tuningforks #meditationmusic #energyhealing #energyactivation


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