
Описание к видео posthuman

The next chapter. Another 5 gatherings around the world.
Having rebuilt my body and restructured my life around pursuing my dreams once again, I am happy to present this spring arc of development.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone I've connected with along this journey, this is for you.
We are more than just people passing by, we are more than just human.
Unapologetically ourselves, we make this life worth living.

Special thank you to ZB, Noah Petek, and Shinobi Productions for your cinematography!

"Everyone should be allowed happiness, and that should be the end of it. Come with me, and thrive off the controversy of breaking out of this glass box they've made our reality. Let's destroy the future and build something better."
Until we get there - Lucius
4 - aesthetics across the color line
venice - the lighthouse and the whaler
I want to feel alive - the lighthouse and the whaler
hunny bunnies - beach goons
vigilante - outlier


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