Sailing Marinus Crossing the Atlantic with an OVNI

Описание к видео Sailing Marinus Crossing the Atlantic with an OVNI

Alubat OVNI following, a French centerboard alloy yacht, many discussion on FB whether it is worthy of a ocean crossing.
The vessel running at time 8+ knots, advantages from the centerboard lifted up reducing the drag.
Crossing the atlantic chased by the #OVNI UFO
11:45 UFO flied around
We are Marinus;
we follow the principles of many, but yet only those of our own. We are shorthanded but not alone; Since the dawn of time we came, moving silently through the centuries, living many secret lives, trying to reach the time of the meeting, where the few remaining fight to the end. No one has ever known we were among you, until now ......, let the journey begin.

Narrator "Marinus Ursus Maritimus"

#sailing #sailboat #OVNI #offshoresailing


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