Mechanized Harvesting in Oil Palm Plantation (Direct Dumping)

Описание к видео Mechanized Harvesting in Oil Palm Plantation (Direct Dumping)

Direct dumping referring to the harvested fresh fruit bunches (FFB) undergo single handling of loading FFB from palm circle to the collection bin which directly can be pull by prime movers to the mill without having unloading the FFB onto platform.

Previously FFB undergo two times of handling before reaching the mills where FFB from palm circle to platform then to ramp or collection bins. These process is slow and crop losses during double handling process as well as extra loaders & bunch counters dependent.

Currently, with mechanization, single handling on crop evacuation is possible to be done in shortening the handling process, increasing productivity and extending coverage with the limited resources. However, the drawback of this system is the harvesters have to be well trained to drive the machines as the spare parts and maintenance are quite costly.


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