Tibet I, roundtrip from Tsetang to Yumbu Lhakang, Samye, Lhasa , Namsto up to Gyatse

Описание к видео Tibet I, roundtrip from Tsetang to Yumbu Lhakang, Samye, Lhasa , Namsto up to Gyatse

A video report of our roundtrip through Tibet.

From monasteries to the pilgrims.
From the beautiful deep blue lakes to the high mountains.
From the nomads to the yaks.

An breathtaking beautiful country with it proud and brave inhabitants that keep the Buddhist values and rich Tibetan culture and traditions alive despite heavy repression.

Part one brings us from Tsetang to Yumbu Lhakang, Samye Lhasa , Namsto up to Gyatse

Jan-Arend van Boeijen©travelbyphoto.nl


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