Hunter Rumors and Blowing Glass

Описание к видео Hunter Rumors and Blowing Glass

At the beginning of this stream, I was finishing up a few inventories of glass blowing and welcoming viewers into the stream before deciding I’m going to go do new Varlamore content and do Hunter Rumors in the Hunter’s Guild. Recently, we had a group ironman teammate max his account and I’ve since then started to work on my own account by grinding total levels and get closer to maxing my own account all while afking blood runes on my Ultimate Ironman account. If you haven’t unlocked Varlamore or simply just haven’t tried Hunter Rumors yet, Hunter Rumors are a great way to earn additional money, supplies, as well as the Quetzal pet, XP drops and the ability to unlock Quetzel Feed which allows you to teleport around Varlamore without having to actually run everywhere (your stamina potion stack will thank you.) While doing my Hunting Rumors, I also was able to level up my hunter skill to level 89 which was huge for me to be able to catch Lucky Imps with a net and continue my hunter skill further with redwood birdhouses. After doing my last Rumor of the night, I decided to open my reward bags and ended up receiving the Enhanced Quetzal Whistle Blueprint which allows you to upgrade your Quetzal Whistle with up to a maximum of 20 teleport charges directly to the Hunter’s Guild which will definitely come in handy later on to speed my hunter contracts up!


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