How to Invest in U.S. Real Estate for Foreigners

Описание к видео How to Invest in U.S. Real Estate for Foreigners

In this video📹, you’re going to learn how to invest in U.S. real estate as a foreigner🚀.

🚨Benefits for foreign investors investing in U.S. real estate🚨

Have you ever pictured yourself owning a second home or vacation rental in Miami, San Diego, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, New York, Honolulu, or another U.S city❓

👉👉👉Now this video will explain how to invest in U.S. real estate as a foreigner and the many benefits including⬇️⬇️⬇️

✅ Diversification
✅ Passive income and cashflow
✅ Long-term security and appreciation
✅ Wealth preservation and a hedge against inflation
✅ Leverage debt to increase return on investment
✅Leverage equity financing to acquire additional investments
✅ Tax advantages including depreciation and cost segregation

According to the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE), “investors rank America as the best by far for the safety of investing, and appreciation.”

🚨Deciding on the Type of Property🚨

Now the first step is deciding on the type of property that you will be investing in.

There are five main types of real estate in the U.S.:

1️⃣ Residential
2️⃣ Commercial
3️⃣ Industrial
4️⃣ Raw land and
5️⃣ Special use property

Generally, foreign investors that we work with are looking to invest in residential or commercial properties that they plan to lease and receive rental income.

🚨Choosing the location🚨

Once you decide on the type of U.S. real estate you’ll be investing in, then you’ll want to decide on where you want to purchase the property.

One of the most important factors in investing in U.S. real estate for foreigners is choosing the right location.

Watch the video to discover the websites we recommend to search for residential and commercial properties.

🚨Selecting a Real Estate Agent or Broker🚨

Now that you’ve decided on the type of real estate and the location, your next step is to choose a real estate agent or real estate broker to work with to help you find the property and negotiate the deal.

🚨Decide on How You Will Hold Title to U.S. Real Estate🚨

Your next consideration will be how to hold title to the U.S. real estate.

A foreign investor can hold title in five main ways:

1️⃣ Individually
2️⃣ U.S. LLC
3️⃣ U.S. Corporation
4️⃣ U.S. Trust
5️⃣ Foreign corporation

👉👉👉There are 5 main legal and tax considerations that a foreign investor investing in U.S. real estate will want to consider when investing including⬇️⬇️⬇️

✅ Taxes on rental income
✅ Taxes on sale of property
✅ Estate tax exposure
✅ Gift tax exposure and
✅ U.S. tax return obligations

Watch the video to learn more about the 5 tax considerations for foreign investors investing in U.S. real estate.

🚨Contact an Attorney and Tax Advisor🚨

We recommend that you contact an attorney and tax advisor to help you review which structure would be best for you.

We specialize in helping foreign entrepreneurs, executives, and investors with investing in U.S. real estate including advice on real estate holding structures, taxes, and immigration.

For questions on how we can help you invest in U.S. real estate as a foreigner, book a call with us below.⬇️

👉👉👉 We've helped numerous clients to successful investing in U.S. real estate.




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