Make Golf Fun

Описание к видео Make Golf Fun

I got so FIRED up today by one of my Juniors
It’s so much fun to give a child a problem and watch the wheels spin as they solve it!
So often adults just give kids the answer to speed it up but letting the kid fail and figure it out is key
If it’s fun, kids don’t care about failing!!!! They just want to solve the problem!!!
It’s only when adults tell them to shy aware from failure that they fear it!
Shame on us!
We can all learn a lot from Will
Just look at how happy he was when he finally solved the puzzle!!!
Keep it fun, keep it encouraging, keep them learning, keep them growing.
You’re a coach
You’re a role model
Live up to that honor
#movebetterplaybetter #rolemodel #mentor #coachinglife #beacoach #beafriend #teacherstyle #beateacher #takepride #getfiredup #juniorgolf #juniordevelopment #thenextgeneration #growthegame


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