The Marriage Hack: Eli Finkel at TEDxUChicago

Описание к видео The Marriage Hack: Eli Finkel at TEDxUChicago

Eli Finkel is a professor of Psychology at Northwestern University. He earned his BA degree in Psychology from Northwestern (1997) and his MA and PhD degrees in Social Psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill (1999 and 2001). His research, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, investigates initial romantic attraction, conflict-resolution in established relationships, and the ways in which other people influence one's goal achievement. This research has received widespread attention in the mainstream media, and Eli occasionally shares insights from his research on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times.

Eli is interested in finding out more about interpersonal relationships -- what predicts romantic attraction? When do people forgive transgressions? What brings out the best (or worst) in our interpersonal relationships?

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