Open Source Laser Interferometer - Part 1: The Optical Design.

Описание к видео Open Source Laser Interferometer - Part 1: The Optical Design.

Introduction to the design and optical layout of an open source laser interferometer for measruing lengths in the nanometer regime over large distances of up to 1 meter.

The project aims to be accessible avoiding costly components and complex machined parts.

(Note: There is a small error in the picture of the 'Michelson Interferometer with Offset' - the detector is drawn on the wrong side.)


00:00 Introduction
01:20 Design goals
02:02 Light source
05:14 Interferometer topology
06:35 Corner cube reflector demo
08:13 Chosen optical layout
11:04 Blender beam path animation
12:15 Live demo & Interference signal
14:20 Laser beams & Outro


Optical Interferometry Part 1: Introduction & ZYGO GPI layout
(Detailed introduction to interferometers by Huygens Optics)
   • Optical Interferometry Part 1: Introd...  

Light & Coherence part 1: Temporal Coherence
(Great explaination of coherence length by Huygens Optics)
   • Light & Coherence part 1: Temporal Co...  

Free Optics Simulation in Blender - Tutorial
(Simulate your own optical systems)
   • Free Optics Simulation in Blender - T...  

MIT Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics
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   • MIT RES.6-006 Video Demonstrations in...  

SAMS Laser FAQ - Laser Instruments and Applications:
(One of the most comprehensive collection of information on Lasers)

Mode Stability of Diode Lasers
(Very detailed analysis of different laser diodes for holography)


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