36 DISHES in 36 HOURS!! | Dubai Food Challenge (Part 1 of 2)

Описание к видео 36 DISHES in 36 HOURS!! | Dubai Food Challenge (Part 1 of 2)

We’ve been dropped in Dubai with a week’s itinerary for an amazing food tour... But where’s the fun in spreading it out over a whole week?

Don’t forget to see the conclusion on Wednesday at 4pm to see if we were able to complete the challenge!

Our itinerary was organised by http://VisitDubai.com, where you can find loads of things to do both food and non-food related - go check it out!

Thanks to www.xdubai.com/slingshot for the Slingshot experience!

SUBSCRIBE to the channel and press the bell button to get notifications every time we post: https://goo.gl/pqaw14

Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: https://bit.ly/3tfFgsR

MASSIVE thank you to Jaded for our intro music, you can check them out here: http://bit.ly/JadedSpot


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