팀 오펜하이머 웃긴 인터뷰 모음

Описание к видео 팀 오펜하이머 웃긴 인터뷰 모음

▼ (2023_29주차) 공부자료 pdf 다운로드 (무료 영상스크립트, 영어단어장, 딕테이션 등) ▼

✎spoken by : 로버트 다우니 주니어, 맷 데이먼, 에밀리 블런트, 킬러언 머피

✎bgm, 스톡영상은 artlist의 정식 라이센스를 구매하여 제작했습니다.

✎Copyright disclaimer :
I made this video with the intention to help others in a motivational/inspirational form. The clips and music I have used I do not own in most cases. My understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like me to remove the video I have no problem and will do as fast as possible.

These videos are transformative in a positive sense, I take clips from various sources to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help people in different situations in their life

I do not wish to use the heart of any piece of the work that would perhaps decrease the market value of the original content, if anything I hope to promote the content so that people can reach out and subsequently increase the market value.

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