Funny Blenny Fish Compilation - Watch Coolest Blenny Fish

Описание к видео Funny Blenny Fish Compilation - Watch Coolest Blenny Fish

Blenny Fish are somewhat territorial in nature, and only one species per tank is recommended. Extensive rockwork and a good growth of microalgae are necessary to successfully maintain them in captivity.
This blenny feeds mainly on filamentous microalgae, foraminiferans, detritus and sand. It also consumes sponges, fish eggs, minute crustaceans, small snails, insects (yes, insects) and small polychaete worms.
Blennies are small fish which live in shallow, sheltered inshore waters and are usually classed as a mini species by UK anglers. ... Due to their small size and the fact that they are not edible blenny species are of no commercial interest and their inshore habitat protects them from being caught as bycatch.

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