Yolo SMP Livestream

Описание к видео Yolo SMP Livestream

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YOLO SMP is a multiplayer whitelisted modded hardcore Minecraft server. Within the first 6 weeks players are allowed to die all they want , but after that the grace period ends if they die they are out!

Yolo SMP is based off of the ‘One Life’ series by LdShadowLady, Dangthatsalongname, Joey Graceffa, Yammyxoxo and many others! We have tweaked it to make Yolo but all credit goes to them for the idea!

Make sure to check out all the cool content creators in Yolo down below!

Madison: / madisonelizabethgaming

✨Staff Team✨
Kay: / kayplayz
Holden: / @furiouscreeper9
Xcapade: / @thexcapade
Dot: / @drasticdot
Drift: / @driftdweeb

Adrift: / @littlekaaitjiestv
Allizzles: / @allizzles
Anne: / @annepopmc
Ash: https://www.youtube.com/
Ashuen: / ashuen_
Brenessa: / brenessa
Callum: / @calliwags_
Dot: / @drasticdot
Drift: / @driftdweeb
Drew: / @thedrewsephyt
Ellie: / @elliecarney
Eth: / @etherealzie
Holden: / @furiouscreeper9
Kay: / kayplayz
Jesse: / @jessemauve
Laurie: / @laurie_games
Madison: / madisonelizabethgaming
May: / @mismay2003
Moon: / @gummybear2413
Mr. Monkay: / mrmonkayy
Nathan: / @wishynathan
Shauna: / shaunajade
Shenko: / @shenko
Spoopie: / spoopie
Wolves: / @caninecomrades
Wolari: / @wolari791
Xcapade: / @thexcapade

✨ Madison has teamed up with Lilypad.gg and together are hosting YOLO! Check them out!✨


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