
Описание к видео #SayYesMadonna

SHARE please Troops! This might fall on its arse, but its worth a go... As most of you know, for entrance music I use a version of 'Like A Prayer' originally recorded by Madonna. TNA wrestling had managed to negotiate with several important publishers to get the rights for the song, and this Friday on American telly I was getting the go-ahead for my match with Al Snow from The Hydro to be shown in full, with the 'Like A Prayer' entrance - I was over the moon!! Until today, we received an e-mail saying "Please be advised that the request below for the use of 'Like A Prayer' has been denied on behalf of Madonna​ " Now I get the feeling there is no way, she herself was on the blower talking about some daft Scottish wrestler about using her choon on the tv, which is why I want to try and reach out to her Madge herself and to let her know how much the song means to myself and the wrestling world! I never want to use any other theme music, or some dubbed shite, there is no better feeling than a big rowdy crowd going bush to this song. I want her to watch this wee video and hopefully she can tell the folk representing her to let me use it! So I'm looking for anyone who likes my page or follows me on Twitter to give her a shout and show her this vid and see if we can persuade her! #SayYesMadonna


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