Rumi ~ Me without I...

Описание к видео Rumi ~ Me without I...

I went through a journey without I
There, my heart opened up to joy without I
The Beloved who always hid His face from me
Suddenly showed His beautiful face to me without I
I died from the pain of not finding you
A new birth came and I was reborn without I
Now I am always drunk without any wine
Now I am always happy and joyful without I
Do not ever remember me for who I was
I am the remembrance of me without I
I say happy and loving words without I
It is I who is always alive without I
All the doors of fortune and joy were closed on me
Suddenly they were opened to me without I
With I, even if I am a king, I am a slave of time
Without I, there is no slavery in all my kingdom
I am drunk with the wine from Shams Tabriz
May this drunkenness of love be always without I

audio: The Medieval Pilgrim on the Way to Bethlehem
Art: Hossein Irandoust



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