PUNJAB UNIVERSITY LAHORE PU BS Last Year Closing Merit 2022 :: Expected Merit of 2023

Описание к видео PUNJAB UNIVERSITY LAHORE PU BS Last Year Closing Merit 2022 :: Expected Merit of 2023

Assalam o Alaikum
PU Merit List 2023 will be announced at the end of August 2023. The merit will be calculated based on the entry test, FA/FSc 1st year results, and matric results. PU's last merit list of all Bachelor's degree programs including BS 5th semester, morning and evening programs is given below so that you can calculate your chances of admission at the University of Punjab, Lahore.

Please note that due to the inclusion of Entry test marks, and the PU entry test, the merit may vary by 1-2 percent this year. Last year, Punjab University Lahore required HEC Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for admission, but this year, PU is conducting its own admission test.
Punjab University Lahore Admission Regulations for Undergraduate Programs:
Applicant's age must not be more than 24 years of age on the closing date fixed for the online form submission. However, No age limit for Self Supporting, Replica, Afternoon & Evening programs. FA / F.Sc. or equivalent with at least 2nddivision. OR The admission to BS (1st Semester) or equivalent programs will be made provisionally on the basis of the result of the Intermediate (Part-I) Examination-2022 or Equivalent for candidates who have appeared in the final examination of Intermediate Part –II (2023) or Equivalent and are waiting for their results.

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