Product Owner vs Business Analyst

Описание к видео Product Owner vs Business Analyst

The roles of Product Owners (PO) and Business Analysts (BA) are often misunderstood. This video breaks down the distinct responsibilities and contributions of each role showing the overlaps and offering clarity on how they differ and collaborate within the Scrum framework.

Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change by defining needs and recommending the most valuable solution for the stakeholders in a specific context. (BABOK Guide v3)

There are lots of overlaps in the competencies demanded of BAs and POs. The Scrum Guide doesn't define BA as an obligatory role for a Scrum team, but Business Analysis is certainly needed. A PO without a BA Mindset is a bad PO. In other words: "All Product Owners should be Business Analysts".

Successful outcomes depend on the contribution of Business Analysis and Product Ownership to the product development lifecycle.

Note: The opposite is not true. A BA wearing the hat of a PO will have to develop some additional skills to make decisions and assume ownership of the product. It's not just about being an advisor. It's Product Ownership.

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