Ghostbusters - Attenuator Kit Finishing

Описание к видео Ghostbusters - Attenuator Kit Finishing

Kits for the GPStar Attenuator are now available to the public, so in this video I cover the wiring and connections to get everything working, offer some painting and finishing techniques, and some advice on the final assembly and fitting of components in the shell of the device. This is an overview of the steps involved and uses some early versions of the kit components—some wiring and components were fabricated by me while parts were being finalized and may be slightly different from what was shipped as part of the kits. Documentation for operation of the device and updating of software is available on the GPStar project page and will be updated with any relevant changes as necessary:

Topics Covered (In Order):
2:00 - What’s Included with the Kits
9:34 - Wiring & Electronics Connections
16:15 - Painting & Finishing Techniques
27:20 - Final Assembly & Fitting

Products Mentioned:
Adhesion Promoter -
Latex Masking Fluid -
Silicone Brushes -
Rust-Oleum Metallic AL -
Truck Bed Liner Spray -


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