Sirens doing weird or unusual things compilation [TAKE 2]

Описание к видео Sirens doing weird or unusual things compilation [TAKE 2]

[Redid the video since I wasn't pleased with the first one] Outdoor warning sirens are so prominent and widespread in the US that you're bound to see some weird stuff happen to one eventually. Here is a selection that I found.

0:00 | Intro
0:06 | Shiver me timbers
0:19 | Power interruption
0:49 | Snowblower
1:15 | "Beeeeeeeewooooooop"
1:34 | Downshifting
1:53 | Coughing up grass
2:08 | absolutely BARFING
2:49 | Hula-hooping
3:07 | Hesitation
3:26 | rAnDoM YOLO SiGnAlS
3:59 | "I'm on SPEeEeeEEeeEEed!"
4:23 | sQuEaK cough
4:42 | Honorable mentions
4:57 | DTMF telephone
5:08 | End of video

Video credits (in order of appearance):
[PENDING]    • ACA Banshee Sussex Wisconsin  
   • ACA P50 Tornado Siren Test Kenosha Co...  
[PENDING]    • STRANGE ASC T-128 Siren Test @ Michae...  
[PENDING]    • Allertor 125 siren test in Bloomingto...  
[PENDING]    • Aurora, Colorado - Whelen 3016 - Sire...  
[PENDING]    • Broken tornado siren, nobody at Chica...  
   • Low pitch Thunderbolt 1000T - Alert. ...  
   • FE Model 7 Siren, Requested Sound Off...  
   • HOR Siro Drone Siren Test Toledo, OH ...  
[PENDING]    • Indiana Statewide Tornado Drill | For...  
[PENDING]    • This EOWS 612 doesn’t know what signa...  
[PENDING]    • Thunderbeam/RSH-10 (w/ Very Fast Rota...  
   • ACA AL4000  


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