Watercolor Mixing Charts - Using a Split Primary Palette

Описание к видео Watercolor Mixing Charts - Using a Split Primary Palette

Using a split primary palette or a limited palette can be challenging if you don't know what colors you can create with the limited colors. Save time and supplies by creating mixing charts to discover what colors you can create with a limited palette.

Using a warm and cool primary palette I will show you how to make a simple color mixing chart. I use a 3D printed template you can purchase in my shop, or you can use a ruler to create a grid.

Supplies used:

1 inch color chart template

Split primary palette of handmade watercolors by Mrs. Hand Painted
Royal Blue / Ultramarine Blue
Pyrrole Red
Marigold / Hansa Yellow Deep
Quinacridone Pink
Illuminating / Benzimidazolone Yellow / Permanent Yellow Light
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade)

Bee paper 6x8 sheets - 100% cotton

Faber Castell Graphite Aquarelle pencil - HB hardness

Princeton Velvetouch round 4 brush

Purchase the kit or individual supplies in my shop.

You can find all of the supplies in my video on my website:



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