Fighting For Her Rightful Place in History: The Claudette Colvin Story

Описание к видео Fighting For Her Rightful Place in History: The Claudette Colvin Story

15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to stand up for a white passenger in March of 1955. Nine months later seasoned civil rights advocate, Rosa Parks, also famously refused to give up her seat. Although both women were arrested and brought to trial it is Colvin’s case which not only reached the Supreme Court but changed the law and desegregated the buses. Despite the trial’s success, Ms. Colvin’s case was greatly overshadowed by Parks’ arrest. The stories of both women have been repeatedly misreported and after decades of erasure and no recognition Colvin share’s her story with 1010 Wins’ Larry Mulllins.

To sign the family’s petition to have Ms. Colvin properly credited in the National Museum of African American History and Culture please click here!


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