LIVE: Look Around | Clinton Global Initiative 2024 Annual Meeting | Mainstage

Описание к видео LIVE: Look Around | Clinton Global Initiative 2024 Annual Meeting | Mainstage

LIVE from the mainstage of #CGI2024

The work of advancing social impact can be a lonely endeavor. Resource constraints, accelerating global challenges, and politicized news cycles all have made our commitment to make a positive difference in the world harder to realize.

While the work can feel lonely, you don’t have to do it alone. Whether it’s a formal partnership between organizations or informal support networks, finding and forging value-aligned connections can help sustain and fuel us as we face even the most difficult challenges.

Since CGI’s inception in 2005, more than 10,000 organizations have partnered on more than 4,000 Commitments to Action impacting more than 500 million people – a testament to the power of partnership and an example of a different way to build a community around a shared vision for a better future. As the world continues to fracture across geographic, political, and economic lines, there is greater urgency than ever to find creative ways to partner to reach shared objectives.

In this Mainstage Session, leaders from across the social impact spectrum will highlight the ways in which they break down barriers between peer institutions, cultivate partnerships and community, and align values and programs to create new, specific, and measurable ways to support one another.


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