Day 13 of driving Mt Akina everyday until I learn how to drift properly | Always Throttle!

Описание к видео Day 13 of driving Mt Akina everyday until I learn how to drift properly | Always Throttle!

Day 13 Progress : Sorry I've been busy for the past 2 days ( usually sunday- tuesdays is my days I do double shifts ;-; )
I tried to practice over 2 hours+ today, I think I'm just too exhausted to focus today since I was working in the morning too and had to go places!
Alot of comments and tips, I will learn them one by one slowly!
Also I changed my FOV as someone mentioned so I can get a sense of speed, so now I just need to get used to it!
Also at the end of the video, you can see me try do donuts for the first time but then, thats when it struck me. the way I drift is always : clutch + gas, then release, catch, bring back close to center, steer to the drift angle again, catch etc but this "bring back close to center" is performed multiple times, that I'm about to summon a 9 tail fox jutsu.
Thats when i realized I've been drifting wrong all along and this video was focusing on " keeping the foot on gas when the car starts to drift, dont let go"!
I will do a better run tomorrow when I am well rested and have my day off :)

Also, some people mentions to use stock, or tuned, because its faster, or do the brake technique for high speed entry!
My goal at the moment isn't to become faster yet, its to be consistent with drifts! I'll learn the types of drifts one by one, until then, I will focus on getting faster!

Also I'm surprised I have an old friend that I've used to play other games with, and he just downloaded corsa and I messaged him and he just bought a logitech G293 too, and hes interested in mountain racing and drifting! So we're learning together too now, I try to give him advices you guys gave me too! He's using the GR86 while I'll stay on the AE86! coincidentally this looks like MF ghost collab now. We tried to race together but we both are PEPE and not ready for actual race. It was a clown fiesta, crashing everywhere xDD no point who chases and whos leading, we're bound to crash at one point

Thank you so much for the amount of comments and subscribes I get, to follow on my journey to learn this, one day we will try it on mount Akina for real~ I read every comments and taking all advices to thoughts and it motivates me to keep trying my best! I didnt expect I'd get this much support and subs ~

Hey everyone
in this series, I'll be driving on Mt Akina everyday until I learn to do it smoothly, and eventually drift. I'll be posting my timelaps until I improve myself, and go to the real Mt Akina and properly drift there, and become a professional racer!
I'm new to sim racing, as its slippery for me compared to IRL
all these videos are for my self improvement, so advices are welcomed!
hoping one day I can race fellow racers too, make friends and race on these mountain pass :)
Apologies if my English isn't the best~

Setup :
Logitech G293 + H shifter manual, Ebay handbrake ;-;

let me know where I can improve, downshifting, upshifting etc!~


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