Types Of Bones In The Human Body - Long Bones - Short Bones - Flat Bones - Irregular Bones

Описание к видео Types Of Bones In The Human Body - Long Bones - Short Bones - Flat Bones - Irregular Bones

In this video we look at the 4 types of bones in the body, long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular bones. We also discuss some of the functions of each of the types of bones.

Transcript notes

There are 4 major classifications of bones based on their shapes. Long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular bones.

Not every single bone in the body fits perfectly into one of these classifications, as some bones may have characteristics of 2 or more of the classifications.

Long bones are longer than they are wide, and they are mainly located in the appendicular skeleton, or in the arms and legs. At each end of a long bone a joint is formed. Long bones are important in movement and they support the weight of the body. Some examples of long bones are the femur or thigh bone, the humerus or arm bone, and the phalanges, or the bones of the fingers.

Short bones are usually as long as they are wide, and they are often described as being cube shaped. Examples of short bones are the carpals of the wrist and the tarsal bones located in the ankle region. Short bones have little to no movement and they provide support and stability.

Flat bones are usually thin and sometimes have a curved shape to them. Flat bones protect internal organs such as the brain and heart, and many of them have broad surfaces for the attachment of muscles. Some examples of short bones are the cranial bones in the skull, the sternum and the ribs.

Irregular bones vary in shape so they do not fit into one of the 3 previous categories. Some irregular bones protect organs and some such as the patella or knee cap attach to tendons. The patella are also classified as sesamoid bones, or round bones. Some sources list sesamoid bones as an irregular bone, and some sources list sesamoid bones as a fifth bone classification.
And that be the basics on the types of bones in the body.

0:00 The 4 major types of bones
0:16 Long bones
0:37 Short bones
0:52 Flat bones
1:06 Irregular bones


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