PianoTeq 8 - When The BECHSTEIN beat the STEINWAY!!!

Описание к видео PianoTeq 8 - When The BECHSTEIN beat the STEINWAY!!!

Welcome back to yet another installment of ultra-realistic and amazingly flexible piano sounds in this session, coming from the hands of veteran producer, multi-instrumentalist, orchestrator and sound designer Stephan Oberhoff.

"Do you get this sometimes? Something like :"I can't believe I haven't jumped on this earlier - this is amazing!"
That's what happened to me when I heard a colleague play the PianoTeq 8 by Modartt.com

Thanks to my talented friend Eric Mau in Mexico City who told me about it and played it over zoom. Since I am in preparation to record an orchestrated version of "Lush Life" for my client and dear friend Gary Brumburgh, I needed the kind of piano sound that would come close to Ellis Larkins piano sound when he accompanied Ella in those heartbreaking collections of just piano/vocal duets.

Listen to "I Got A Crush On You" with Ellis swinging on that magical old grand piano (wish I knew where that was recorded!) and my heart was a goner!

This plugin can produce it's own version of that mellowness as you will hear in the wide range of stuff you can play on this carefully designed instrument!

Next time I will play the Steinway library as well - but I must say, the Bechstein sounded far more universal and emotional to me - which is not the case at all with the physical instrument!

Lastly, please consider subscribing to this channel - there's a lot more I want to explore and then share my findings with you!"

✅Grab the amazing PIANOTEQ software here 👉https://www.modartt.com/pianoteq 🎶

Please also hit the 'Like' button if you found this inspiring or helpful on any level.

Top Level Coaching On Zoom Available:

If you are interested to learn from Stephan (via One-On-One Zoom or Skype sessions), here's a link with a nice list of topics you can choose from and sign up for a coaching session:


Thanks so much for watching!


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