Virgin Group founder Richard Branson works as stewardess for a day

Описание к видео Virgin Group founder Richard Branson works as stewardess for a day Passengers aboard an Air Asia flight from Perth to Kuala Lumpur were given a real surprise when founder and chairman of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, formed part of the cabin crew dressed in full high heels and make-up.

Branson was honouring a bet he made with fellow airline owner and motor-racing rival, Tony Fernandes. They had wagered on which one of their Formula One racing teams would cross the line first in their debut season of the 2010 Formula One Grand Prix.

The loser would have to serve as a flight attendent on the winner's airline.

During the flight, Branson had to pour tea and coffee, serve meals and make in-flight announcements and of course make sure that the passengers were clear about the safety features on board the jet.

Upon arrival in Malaysia he said he was relieved he had carried out the bet.

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