Growing Hyacinth Flower From Bulb Time Lapse (121 Days)

Описание к видео Growing Hyacinth Flower From Bulb Time Lapse (121 Days)

This time lapse depicted a white hyacinth through cold stratification and growing from a bulb to bloom. Hyacinth bulbs need to be chilled for a period time to bloom properly.
We first chose a bulb and burried it under soil level inside a small container. This whole container was placed inside a paper bag, wrapped, and chilled in the fridge for about 12 weeks. The idea was to simulate its natural cold stratification process through winter by storing it in dark and cold environment for a period of time.
After that, the pot was taken out and placed under a grow light at room temperature. The bulb quickly developed leaves along with a stalk that carried lots of flower buds. Flowers started blooming from the 3th week. Hyacinth flowers have a strong scent and sweet fragrant. You can almost detect it from anywhere in your house if it's bloomed indoors.


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