Summer Daydream | YataoPan F# Low Pygmy 19 | Panlix

Описание к видео Summer Daydream | YataoPan F# Low Pygmy 19 | Panlix

The F# Low Pygmy 19 is one of the higher versions of the classic „Pygmy“ scale. It is a very harmonic scale that is particularly suitable for dreamy and melodic playing. We recommend this pan for experienced players, as it gives you the opportunity to use your full potential. While the scale on the top of the instrument contains a pentatonic scale, the bottom of the instrument offers more versatility with additional notes.

(You don’t listen to the raw recording, but to a processed version. For the raw sound of our instruments, please check the product videos on our homepage)

Note fields: (D, E), F# - G#, A, (B), C#, (D), E, F#, G#, A, (B), C#, (D), E, F#, G#, (A)

Standard pitch: 440 Hz

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