Vietnam-era Marine honored at Pentagon

Описание к видео Vietnam-era Marine honored at Pentagon


Arlington, Virginia - 18 October 2018
1. Various of Retired Marine Sgt. Maj. Canley and others unveiling his Hall of Honor inscription
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Patrick M. Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense:
++cutaways in soundbite++
"Ask Sergeant Major Canley where his courage came from and he'll tell you it's all about his men. 'I didn't worry too much about what would happen to me or the enemy. All my worries were about my troops because being a leader is about taking care of your people'"
3. Shanhan, Canley, others standing on stage
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Patrick M. Shanahan, Deputy Secretary of Defense:
"Your actions resonate across time and place. Inspiring young men and women to serve and fortifying our trust in ourselves, in our humanity, in our military and in our nation."
5. Canley being introduced, shaking hands with officials on stage
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Ret. Sgt. Maj. John Canley, Medal of Honor Recipient:
+++soundbite begins on wide shot then cuts away; also includes cutaways++
"On behalf of all of the Marines and myself I would like to thank congressman Julie Brownley for what she did for us. That's the reason why we're here today is because of her, she is a congressman, a congressperson that cares about people. She is the type of congressman that we need because of what she stands for, and I'm so proud along with all the veterans that she is on the board of veterans."
7. Canley exiting stage, hugging Congresswoman Brownley
An 80-year-old retired Marine sargeant major has been inducted into the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes after President Trump awarded him the Medal of Honor.
Sgt. Maj. John Canley was presented the nation's highest military honor for valorous action in Vietnam five decades ago.
John Canley's heroism includes twice scaling a hospital wall in view of the enemy to help wounded Marines and carry them to safety.
According to the White House, Canley, a native of Caledonia, Arkansas, who now lives in California, fought off multiple enemy attacks over several days in early 1968 while his company moved toward Hue as part of a counter-offensive to retake the city from the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces.
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