Yooka-Laylee Deserves Better...or Does it?

Описание к видео Yooka-Laylee Deserves Better...or Does it?

#yookalaylee #banjokazooie #3dplatformer

Remember Banjo Kazooie? Well some ex-Rareware employees decided to band together and create their own personalized version of Banjo Threeie...Yooka-Laylee. It borrows many classic aspects of 3D platformers from the N64/PS1 era and attempts to adapt them to the modern style. Because of this reliance on an old style of play, some players reacted somewhat negatively to the game, while others absolutely loved it.

Who was in the right and who was dead wrong? Find out as I uncover whether or not Yooka-Laylee deserves better!

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