メコン河も泣いている (The Mekong Rive Is Crying) (芥川隆行) (Takayuki Akutagawa)

Описание к видео メコン河も泣いている (The Mekong Rive Is Crying) (芥川隆行) (Takayuki Akutagawa)

Japanese Vietnam War songs: https://rateyourmusic.com/list/JBrumm...
Double-sided anti-war Vietnam single. The B-side, "メコン河も泣いている" ("The Mekong River Is Crying") was a narration with background music, from 芥川隆行 [Takayuki Akutagawa], a well-known radio announcer in Japan. It presented the Vietnamese perspective under war: "sky is constantly roaring... bombardment was so intense". It argued "we are all human... we Vietnamese are the same ethnic group".

"We are not stone Buddhas or iron robots / We are alive, we are human beings with blood and souls / Even a thorn of a millimeter stuck in our finger hurts / Swells and causes suffering / I can't stand it anymore / The sky is constantly roaring / The roads, the bridges, the rice fields, the jungle, even the Mekong River / The bombardment was so intense that I was crying out in pain / Why do I have to cry so much?... / We are all human being living in one earthly home / Moreover, we Vietnamese are the same ethnic group / I saw a Chinese drama in Cho Long with my Uncle who lives in Hanoi / My cousin who is in Viet Cong guerilla army / It was a fun day when we caught shrimp of the coast of Saint-Jacques / Now the streets of Saigon are like bayonet forts / Terror attack, monk self-immolation... / Furthermore he was separated from his wife and children... / Enough already, enough already... / Know the pain of a needle / Pain in the flesh and the aching heart..." [auto-translation used]


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