TAPE 9/15, Ice Cap Box, Aquarium Limbo and Textureless Mario Anomaly!

Описание к видео TAPE 9/15, Ice Cap Box, Aquarium Limbo and Textureless Mario Anomaly!

This tape is labeled "May 30, 1999". The guy who recorded this video found many anomalies resulting from the action of modifying the game of artificial intelligence. The AI was able to restore a lost cap box. For now we know that "Ice Cap" is able to pass the flames without taking damage and walk on water, will he have any other secret abilities? We also have the presence of "Aquarium Limbo" and consequently "Textureless Mario Anomaly" within the lost level.

Subscribe to the channel if you don't want to miss Tape 10/10. A second season of Super Mario 64 Haunted Records is also confirmed. Stay tuned XD.


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