Desi bird Brooding and growing

Описание к видео Desi bird Brooding and growing


Brooding of chicks is very important operation in the early age of the chicks.
Chicks are provided with required temperature by artificial means. The details of various
brooding methods are presented below.
Preparation of poultry shed/house:
After liquidation of old flock the following operations are required to be created for
clean and healthy environment in the poultry house.
Remove all the movable equipment from the shed. Soak in water and clean
thoroughly in tap water and finally dip in disinfectant solutions. Finally wash in
clean water, sun dry and store.
Litter should be removed from the shed and transported away from the farm
inclosed containers or in gunny bags and disposed off properly.
Lightings and feed and water pans should also be taken out of the shed and
cleaned properly.
Accumulated dust and cob web formed on the wall, ceiling, mesh etc., should be
Insecticide is to be sprayed over the litter, walls, mesh, roof etc.,
Shed should be washed using a pressure washer.
All the repair works of the shed including cages, equipment and mesh shoul be
carried out.


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