Orchestral Metroid - Kraid's Lair Waltz (Samus Goes to the Ball)

Описание к видео Orchestral Metroid - Kraid's Lair Waltz (Samus Goes to the Ball)

Welcome to the 4th installment in the Orchestral Metroid series. As Samus enters Kraid's Lair she notices that Kraid is organizing a ball of all things. Upon careful consideration Samus decides to 'waltz' her way through the area. Once inside she notices this is no ordinary ball, the evening's theme appears to be 'Trippin' Balls', meaning everyone present in Kraid's lair (Samus and Kraid's retinue alike) is put into a slightly 'altered' state. If Samus is to survive she better keep a straight head.


This music videos turned out to be a lot longer than I had anticipated! I hope this quick guide helps you navigate Kraid's lair. After a short intro the waltz rhythm starts [0:12] and the melodies from Tanaka's NES soundtrack each make their appearance. When the 2nd melody arrives [0:39] it is in a different key than the original. The 1st melody raises its head again [0:46] going through a couple of variations. By way of the 2nd melody [0:59] now in its original key, we finally arrive at the 3rd melody [1:05] scored in a very light way, akin to Tchaikovsky's ballets. The brief 4th [1:18] and 5th [1:25] melodies round out this first section.

In the thicker scored 2nd section [1:38] the music goes through the five melodies once more, although this time in the order of the original. Without previous and subsequent meanderings this part may be the most recognizable to the gamer. The 3rd melody [1:38] in particular has more rhythmic swung. The 4th melody is dominated by clarinets this time [2:10].

In the 3rd section (Interlude) the 1st melody reappears [2:43] (this time played by oboes instead of strings). This melody is then played in reverse [2:53] and rises in key. After a short passage reminiscent of the intro [3:14] the same melody is accompanied by stacked fourths giving a more alienating feeling. The music then winds down [3:42] towards a dreamy, hazy, fever dream sequence [3:58]. The melody (played by strings and clarinets) is drawn out in notes of equal length. Harp and bass clarinet provide a steady pulse, whilst other instruments pull on the harmony with chromatic lines. The key changes once [4:26] and twice [4:53] introducing plucked strings and a bassoon figure that foreshadows the reintroduction of the waltz rhythm.

In the 4th section (Reprise) the waltz rhythm is once again established [5:18] and after some more obsessive variations on the the opening melody, the subsequent four melodies all visit [5:55 onward]. The arrangement here is more forceful than before, bordering on the ferocious. After the 5th melody turns downwards the piece ends with a short coda [6:39] that takes a quaint sidestep (a variation on the 3rd melody) before concluding in a light breezy manner with a flute passage repeating the 4th melody [6:45].

0:19 Kraid's Lair Waltz I
1:38 Kraid's Lair Waltz II
2:43 Interlude
5:18 Kraid's Lair Waltz III (Reprise)

Next stop: Ridley's Lair.

Website: https://ronaldvanderham.bandcamp.com/


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