[UNIT] Embodiment of Sin (ToF CM) (Pre-Nerf) | Condition Scourge

Описание к видео [UNIT] Embodiment of Sin (ToF CM) (Pre-Nerf) | Condition Scourge

this is pre-nerf.

To the best of our knowledge this is the first Embodiment of Sin kill without Condi Deadeye and the fourth group overall. We wanted to do something different and started theorycrafting a Necro (+1 Chrono) strat shortly before NA got the world first kill. Initially we had 2x qHarbingers, but eventually switched one to celeAlacScg for some additional healing, since the dps cost was negligible. We used 1x HealChrono who had full portal utils to take care of all Portals for Malice spawns. We dealt with Malices by using the Immobilize of Necro Dagger 3 on Cerus and then Epidemic on all Scourges to spread Immob. Alternating Epidemics in Sub1/2 allowed to essentially perma Immobilize Malices. We slowly killed them via damage by placing Shades on them and via the Condis transfered by Epi. The movement/portal placements was dictacted by where we wanted to place Despair pools. Portals where for the most part placed to utilize longer Malice pathing. Scourge Portals and Despair placement followed naturally on the East/North sides of the arena, because of the Envy Walls. For Phase 4, we specifically changed one Portal to use it after the first Gluttony to the Northwestern edge of the arena. This allowed us to completely outrange the second Envy Wall from the add.

(Scg) REMagic:    • [UNIT] - Embodiment of Sin - Conditio...  
(qHarb) Jan:    • [UNIT] - Embodiment of Sin - Quick Ha...  
(celeScg) Minas:    • [UNIT] Embodiment of Sin | Temple of ...  


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