Fall Out Boy Q&A at Pryzm in Kingston, 17/03/23

Описание к видео Fall Out Boy Q&A at Pryzm in Kingston, 17/03/23

0:00 Intro
1:00 What is your favourite country to play in and why?
1:39 Pete's sweat detour
3:23 Soundboard
3:47 What was the best part of coming back together to create this album?
5:16 pete wha-
5:31 Neil is a relaxed dude
7:11 The room becomes 2 degrees hotter
7:32 What's your favourite meal?
8:36 What's your favourite thing about the UK? Favourite quirks?
9:45 Beat-les
11:38 Biggest Musical Influences?
11:48 It’s not Patrick’s responsibility to start, he’s in the middle!
12:44 Patrick IS Batman
13:25 Movies, as some may call them...ie Pete getting razzed
15:18 Would you ever do a runway show again?
15:34 Short Kings
16:40 What is the process of producing a song?
22:32 Maybe the Producer was inside all of us all along
22:59 What is your favourite video you had fun making?
23:48 What is it like wearing prosthetics?
25:23 Advice on overcoming fear about making music
28:23 What's the main difference between playing a small show and a stadium?
29:50 Jack could do a Late Night Show
30:25 Which Song took the longest to complete on SM(f)S
31:30 Why Patrick didn't talk on stage for 10 years
33:58 (looks down at video runtime...huh)
34:09 Why are you treating us so well in the UK?
34:19 What is your favourite song you've ever written and why?
34:36 What was the emotional impact felt creating an album during the pandemic?
35:00 Someone's a shipper
35:09 What's been your favourite part of putting the latest album together?
35:15 (kissing)
35:39 Where was your first ever gig?
36:37 Who would you most like to collaborate with?
37:01 Pete "we're not at this point in the club yet, clearly. but stick around, I'll be here" Wentz
37:39 What's the song you're the most tired of playing, but you won't cut it from the show?
38:47 What is your songwriting process?
39:02 Same patrick
39:11 Three Cheers for ADHD
39:45 Reading Pete's lyrics
40:27 Which song/media you made outside of FOB are you wach most proud of?
41:01 Soul punk and scoring love
41:49 That's what she said
41:55 Who would win in a fight, Patrick or Hans Zimmer?
42:25 Person filming turns out to have been the producer all along
42:36 DCD2 talk
43:08 Favourite lyrics off the new album
44:06 Baby annihilation talk/spoken word poetry
45:10 Which song is difficult to play?
46:20 Goodbye and shout out
46:49 Damn fine cup of coffee


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