Songwriters/Storytellers In Oil City: Alan Doyle & Adam Baldwin, Edmonton Welcome Home Tour Show #9

Описание к видео Songwriters/Storytellers In Oil City: Alan Doyle & Adam Baldwin, Edmonton Welcome Home Tour Show #9

Adam Baldwin: Western Star 00:00 / Lighthouse In Little Lorraine 04:57
Alan Doyle: Yours And Mine (w. the Beautiful Beautiful Band) 11:00 / Somewhere In A Song (w. Todd Lumley) 16:25 / Wave Over Wave (partial, w. stars) 21:17

Stories and Songs! The beating heart of any genuine Kitchen Party. This tour has two of the best songwriters I've ever come across on it, and I've been increasingly tantalized by the thought of what might happen if they collaborated on those stories and songs. On the surface, what Alan and Adam write about, what they have to say about what they write about, seems wildly different...but that's not how it plays on the stage, not how the crowds are responding. The common chord, the shared progression, one might say, for both of these songwriters is Truth (I did not say "Facts", I said Truth). The beating heart will always recognize and respond to - beat a little harder for, break a little harder for - that.

So I decided to put together a video of Alan and Adam being those Storytelling Songwriters, and to include their engaging, endearing song intros as well (plus a bit on the end that was just too cool - and, yes, too True - not to include). I had the chance to view this show from 2 vantage point and took the high seat for Adam's set - I haven't been able to see him very well from right up front because of the piano, and this high seat was perfect for that. Kinda perfect overall, to be honest, and if the next fella up had been anyone else....well, you know. I came down close for him. He has that effect on more than just me.

Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton AB. February 29, 2024


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