Contoura Vision® Topography Guided LASIK

Описание к видео Contoura Vision® Topography Guided LASIK

Contoura Vision LASIK is the next innovative level of customization for LASIK surgery. It is the Wavelight Topolyzer Vario Diagnostic Device in conjunction with our Wavelight EX500 laser. The Wavelight Topolyzer Vario Diagnostic Device is used to take detailed, sophisticated scans of the cornea that not only take your prescription into consideration but also finds and records imperfections in the optics of the cornea and the cornea’s curvature. This data, combined with Dr. Mozayeni’s surgical skill and expertise, can produce an even more precise procedure using topo guided LASIK, resulting in even better vision. Dr. Mozayeni has always delivered personalized, customized and optimal results to patients at Providence Eye. But now with the introduction of Contoura Vision LASIK, Dr. Mozayeni can take his performance and his patient’s results one step further. Contoura Vision - Topography Guided LASIK is an even more customized approach. Contact us to schedule your FREE consultation:


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