Unlocking the Power of Secure Base Leadership for Engaged and Resilient Teams

Описание к видео Unlocking the Power of Secure Base Leadership for Engaged and Resilient Teams

This video examines the theory and research surrounding secure base leadership and its influence on key organizational outcomes such as employee work engagement, organizational identification, and resilience. Secure base leadership is defined as a relationship-oriented style that provides employees with a sense of safety, support, and direction. Through satisfying basic psychological needs, secure base leadership is shown to cultivate higher work engagement among employees. It also fosters stronger identification with organizational values, goals, and mission. Additionally, secure base leadership plays an integral role in building individual and collective resilience capacities, enabling adaptation to changes and challenges. The video then discusses practical implications for how organizations can develop secure base leadership approaches through training, recognition programs, mentorship, and modeling from senior leaders. Cultivating these relationship-building skills may help organizations to develop engaged, committed workforces with an adaptive ability to withstand difficulties and thrive.


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