Men's Double Heavyweight Badminton Match

Описание к видео Men's Double Heavyweight Badminton Match

Exhibition Match
Calvin & Rosyid vs Mamad & Ryan (Duo Heavyweight Champion)

0:00 Opening Highlight of the Match
0:47 Set - 1 start
0:54 Cross court net shot in Badminton
3:25 Set - 2 start
3:37 Front-net shot in Badminton
4:35 Cross court return
4:40 Control the game in slower pace
5:14 Too tired
5:40 Net kill shot
6:20 Cross court drop shot
7:28 Cross court smash
9:47 Pin-point attack on opponent
10:30 Long Backhand serve
12:09 Wasit kesetrum
15:05 Flying Racket

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