Beginner Female Golfer Kicked Off the Course Before Hitting First Shot

Описание к видео Beginner Female Golfer Kicked Off the Course Before Hitting First Shot

Updated July 31, 2024

1. Yes the story is true and accurate. It seems too crazy to have happened but this really did occur as I've shared. I get that some people are responding to that disconnect saying it's lies and clickbait. Unfortunately it did happen.

2 I'm all for considering there may be another viewpoint to a story. That's a healthy thought.

To those saying she must have done something to "deserve it", that isn't asking a question about another viewpoint.

That's normalizing abusive behaviour as being a valid course of action.

There isn't a valid course of action for abusing another human being....or other being for that matter.

3. We did not cover the process of her getting a refund as it isn't pertinent to the conversation.

Are you suggesting that berating her and humiliating her is ok as long as she got her money back?

For those of you who need completion she was eventually refunded her money.

4. To those who comment on my gender reference in the video.
I personally believe that gender did played a role in the response. My opinion and I own that.

AND I followed on to say is this IS NOT a gender issue video. It's about common decency and kindness. I'd have made the video if this happened to any golfer.

Golf has a heritage of not being inclusive and it's time we shift that to being the most inclusive sport. Let's be leaders not laggers.

5. To those who have asked why I didn't block or take down comments that are abrasive.

The entire purpose of the video is to bring forth conversation about how we treat one another. While I may disagree with the viewpoint of some of the commenters, if we are to have a discussion we have to actually listen to different viewpoints and consider them. We don't have to agree but curating them to solely support my perspective isn't a discussion.

If someone wants to stand up for abuse and bullying and defend it, I don't agree with it but they get to say their view and defend the resposes that should follow.
I'm disappointed we are still having these conversations.

July 10, 2024

Golf has a history of not being inclusive and we need to change that behavior from being acceptable.

This not only turns people away from the sport but also keeps outdated stereotypes alive about who should play golf.

One of the incredible aspects of golf is its ability to bring together players of varying skill levels and still provide an enjoyable experience for all. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner just starting out, the game offers a unique opportunity to bond, compete, and have fun together on the same course.

Let's keep the conversation going! Share your experiences and thoughts below.

Let's choose kindness and inclusivity to make golf more welcoming for everyone.
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