Оригами Лягушка - ПРЫГАЕТ ДАЛЕКО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Описание к видео Оригами Лягушка - ПРЫГАЕТ ДАЛЕКО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Оригами. Как сделать оригами лягушку, которая прыгает на 5 метров
=========REMAKE========== -    • EASY Origami: Jumping Frog - Cool Ori...  
This origami video I will show you how to make / fold paper fantastic, cool origami jumping Frog model designed by Toshikazu Kawasaki

Diagram and origami instructions for this model can be found in the book - Origami Dream World - Flowers and Animals

how to make paper best cool origami jumping frog scheme Toshikazu Kawasaki
как сделать из бумаги оригами прыгающей лягушки по схеме Toshikazu Kawasaki
cómo hacer origami papel esquema rana salto Toshikazu Kawasaki
종이 접기 점프 개구리 방식 토시 가와사키를 만드는 방법
wie Papier Origami springenden Frosch Schema Toshikazu Kawasaki machen
como fazer origami papel esquema sapo pulando Toshikazu Kawasaki
à fabriquer du papier origami régime saut de grenouille Toshikazu Kawasaki

I respect the copyrights of the model, taken by me on this if you are the author of this model and want me to delete the video, please write about it to my mail yakomogaorigami777gmail.com
Regards Roman.

Размеры листа - 15x15 см
Sheet size - 15x15 cm


Friends, subscribe to my channel, so as not to miss the video about the most interesting and best origami models - http://www.youtube.com/user/yakomogao...


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