How Do Experiences Shape Identity? - Why Your "Issues" Make Complete Sense!

Описание к видео How Do Experiences Shape Identity? - Why Your "Issues" Make Complete Sense!

Welcome to Chapter 3 of my Transformation Series!

Sometimes we make bad choices. Sometimes we hurt the ones we love. You might feel broken, weak or crazy, but the truth is, you aren't! Your brain isn't defective, it's actually very logically guiding us to respond in ways that it actually learned, through childhood experiences, are more likely to lead to our safety and survival. So why are our choices and behaviors sometimes so seemingly unhealthy? This video will answer that question!

The bottom-line is this: during childhood our brains are incredibly adaptive and are constantly being shaped by our experiences. The problem? Well, what is adaptive during childhood when our brain is in full-on learning mode, is not necessarily adaptive later in adulthood. This is an incredibly important issue for us all to deeply understand, so we can reflect with compassion upon how our own frustrating patterns and behaviors (our issues) actually at one point helped us to form an coherent identity that helped us to cope with the challenges and traumas we faced growing up. The problem is that these mental maps of reality and strategies for survival that were adaptive when we were kids may not be very effective strategies for living a happy, successful life or for establishing stable intimate relationships.


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