Noting & Drafting(Part-II)

Описание к видео Noting & Drafting(Part-II)

Noting on any receipt/case facilitates quick and reasoned decision making. The Noting
covers all aspects of the case, issues involved, statutory provisions, suggestions etc. and all these
points enable the competent authorities to arrive at a decision after due consideration. In the
Secretariat, before taking a final decision it might be necessary to consult the Finance, Personnel
and Law Departments and the noting make such consolations easy. Final decisions after all
codal/procedural formalities are also taken on the noting portion of the files. The noting portion of
the file is thus a record of the‘ thinking process‘ involved in taking decisions, and reveals the
reasons for a decision or the background to a decision which may not be apparent from a bare
reading of the communication of the decision itself.

Drafting is the process of formulation of decisions and orders in written form for
commutation to those concerned. When a case comes back from the authorities with
decision/orders passed upon the notes, then the next step is to convert the decision/orders into the
form of an official communication. This is known as drafting. The importance of drafting lies in the
fact that while noting is an internal process of a Department, and thus not so open to outside
scrutiny, the final draft issued is generally a document conveying to others, a decision, views or
orders. As such it must be clear and unambiguous. It must faithfully convey the letter and spirit of
the decision taken through the noting process. And finally, since the decision or order may have to
stand the examination of the Court as well as the Legislature (or it Committees), the drafting must
be in language not capable of misconstruction.
#Hpnotifications by sankhyan
#departmental exams
#Sanjay sankhyan


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