Low Back Pain? Look To Your Hips! - Seated Hip Internal Rotation vs Band Resistance

Описание к видео Low Back Pain? Look To Your Hips! - Seated Hip Internal Rotation vs Band Resistance

3 Things You Can Do To Get Started To Improve Flexibility:

1. Work to build strength and not just statically stretching to improve your flexibility

2. Ensure that your neck, shoulders, spine and hips can all rotate well for your golf swing – check out our FREE golf mobility assessment at the link on my YouTube page

3. Start working on improving your flexibility/mobility and strength little by little; you don’t need to do an hour of exercises each day. Start with something that you can consistently do for 5-10 minutes each day.

Consistency over time, with the right exercises, will lead to improvements and results. It can take as little as 90 minutes a week working on these things to start seeing results!

#golf #golfswing #golflife


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