OT-V Episode 7: Ergonomics At Work!

Описание к видео OT-V Episode 7: Ergonomics At Work!

Entwistle Power Occupational Therapy presents Brenda in the seventh episode of Occupational Therapy Video (OT-V): Ergonomics At Work!

What is ergonomics?

Ergonomics is a catch-all phrase for the process of ensuring the body is in an appropriate position when completing daily tasks. Sitting, standing, bending, lifting – all these movements require the proper ergonomic position of the legs, spine, and arms to promote comfort and thus productivity.

Everyone deserves to be comfortable at work – from the front line staff to the CEO. When people are comfortable they are happier, more productive, feel valued and supported, and are less likely to leave work due to physical injury from poor office ergonomics.

Check out our informative video for information on how an Occupational Therapist can help in your office by keeping people at work, enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and promoting employee morale and satisfaction.



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